Thursday, October 9, 2008

Broken Phone

Old Ghetto Phone!

A few weeks ago I called my dad telling him that I would be needing a new phone soon because the one I had was not going to last much longer. He asked me if it would be fine until about Novemeber......I told him that I thought it would, but I was wrong. That very same day it was done for. The little part where you plug it in to charge got pushed into the inside of the phone. don;t ask me how that happened but it did. Therefore It was not unable to charge. Luckily I had a spare phone for times like these (a very ghetto one but it gets the job done). I called altell and had them switch me to the other phone and everything was good. Since there is not an altell store up here in Orem I was just going to use the ghetto phone until I could head down to St.George to get a new one.

One of my friends told me he wanted to go down to St.George soon to go visit a buddy of his and he said I could just get a ride down there with him. So last weekend I got work off to go down there and at the last minute the day we were supposed to go my friend told me he could not go anymore. I had gotten work off, so I was just going to drive down by myself because I really wanted my new phone. Kara then told me that if I wanted to wait until the nest week I could just go with her. I decided that I would just do that instead. Another week with the ghetto phone was no big deal. Until that night when I was dancing the night away at a dance party my phone flew out of my pocket. The battery come off and when I turned it back on the screen on it was not working. I was so bitter because now I had no phone at all. What was I going to do without a phone for a week? So far I have survived and tonight I get to head to and the first thing I do when I get there is get a new phone.

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